Last Wednesday morning Brian and I walked into the Clinic for my appointment to receive my last infusion before returning home. During the pre visit with my Dr. I told her about a new symptom I was having, a painful sore in my mouth. After examining me, she was very concerned about going ahead with the infusion. She wanted me to see my Dentist and make sure that it wasn't my wisdom teeth coming in. Neither of us felt that was the true issue, but with the drug I would be receiving, any healing after surgery would be significantly slowed. So she suggested that I get cleared before continuing. By this time I was in tears, not to keen on the fact that things weren't going the way I had planned. She reassured me that everything would work out just fine and she was just looking out for me. She left and returned a few minutes later and informed us that she would prepare my discharge papers while we took care of last minute details. I was so surprised that I was being discharged that it overwhelmed me. I had planned on going back to the hotel that night and writing out all my questions I needed answered before heading home. Now I was at a complete loss as to what those questions were.
While the papers were being taking care of, Brian and I headed to my favorite (keep me sane) person Shirley to tie up loose ends as far as finances go. She has been the biggest blessing to us through this entire experience. When we went to settle things, we handed her the cash we had from donations and cleared out my bank account. She hesitated at first, when she saw the large stack of cash. After wiping out my account and all our cash we still owed over $2,000. She told us not to worry about it at this point. Such a huge relief! As of now I will be responsible for $4,500.00 a month for my Antineoplastons and other medications. The account is empty as of now and my parents have taken on a large amount as well. But we were able raise over $14,000 in the short month before heading out to the Clinic! God is providing and I believe that He will continue to do so. I just cannot express my appreciation enough to everyone who has helped out! We have some fundraisers in the works and will post them as they come up!
Thursday morning Brian and I checked out of the Hotel and headed back to the Clinic to hand out Thank You cards and say our goodbyes. It was very bittersweet! I was so happy to be going home to my baby, yet saddened by the fact that I was leaving these people who had made me feel so welcome and hopeful. Everyone was so wonderful to us! I became so spoiled by the one on one attention I received while there!
The drive home started out wonderful (insert sarcasm). Not even an hour into the drive we got pulled over! Not realizing that Brian had put my window down, and expecting the officer to walk up to the drivers side, I almost jumped out of my seat when he appeared out of nowhere at my window:) He was so polite and kind and only gave us a warning for following too closely. After that it was smooth sailing until Baton Rouge, which is always a madhouse! Then I had the bright idea to go home through New Orleans just to say we drove through. Well bad idea! Traffic Jam! After countless stops and traffic jams we FINALLY rolled into Duette at 2:30 AM Friday morning! Yes I said Duette. I forgot to mention half way through the trip, mom calls from our house and informs us that our AC is BROKE! SO Brian calls Air Rescue and they want $500 to fix it, after finding out what was wrong with it, he decided he could fix it himself. We spent the night at mom and dads and were there in the morning when Sam woke up! Best day ever! She was so excited to see us! She talked for 20 minutes straight! That afternoon Brian went and picked up the parts for the AC and fixed it. Yes my hubby is amazing! He can fix just about anything! That night my family had a "Welcome Home Princess Party" for mommy, as suggested by Samantha! Complete with princess cupcakes!
SO we are home and happy and have had a few days to spend with our baby girl! I have never missed someone so much in my entire life! I pray that I never have to leave her like that again! I head to the Dentist tomorrow to make sure that I'm clear as far as wisdom teeth go. If I get the all clear, then its to my Dr. here Wed and we start back on the treatment schedule!
I have attached some pictures of the wonderful people who helped to make my stay in Houston bearable! And from my Princess Party as well!
Shirley and I
All the wonderful ladies that greeted us each morning
The truly awesome Treatment Room Nurses. Janna is on my right and Laura is on my left! Those of you who know me, will get the significance!
My sweet nurse Anna on the left, and my Amazing Dr, Dr. Larisa on the right.
Welcome Home!
Mommy and the most precious girl in the world!
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